Thursday, 10 May 2018

Himalaya Himcolin Gel

Himalaya Himcolin Gel (30g)

About Himcolin Gel

Muscle relaxant: Himcolin causes vascular engorgement of the penis, which strengthens and sustains erection because of its muscle relaxant property. The drug’s anti-inflammatory property has a soothing effect on the penis, when applied topically.
Antioxidant: The natural ingredients in Himcolin have potent antioxidant properties that control and prevent local oxidative damage. This action corrects the impaired cavernosal (a sponge-like area around the penis that has most of the blood during erection) function in erectile dysfunction.


  • Erectile dysfunction

Key ingredients:

Climbing Staff Tree (Jyotishmati): relaxes penile vascular smooth muscles, which causes vasodilation and results in penile erection. It also acts as a rubefacient, which stimulates sensitive nerves of the penis.
Musk Mallow (Lathakasthuri): is an aphrodisiac agent that enhances sexual desire and enhances erectile sustenance.

Side effects:

Himcolin is not known to have any side effects.

Terms and Conditions

We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.
Price:1250 Taka
Call for Order : 01824856141

Titan Gel - a guaranteed penis enlargement

Titan Gel - a guaranteed penis enlargement by 5cm a month ... With Titan Gel you will always be ready for action! Titan Gel is a male enhancement enlargement cream that claims to help men grow their prized manly member up to 3.5cm in just two weeks. The manufacturer also claims to help men perform better in the bedroom and deliver more satisfying sexual libido and experiences.
👉More intense erection stronger and longer!
👉Enhance sex performance gives more satisfaction.
👉Increased sexual desire and performance during love making
👉For better erection and sex booster
👉Bigger penis and strong
đŸ’¯Natural and Organic
đŸ’¯No side effect

Price:2500 Taka
Call for Order 01824856141

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Gluta White Capsule ( āĻ°ং āĻĢāĻ°্āĻ¸াāĻ•াāĻ°ী āĻ•্āĻ¯াāĻĒāĻ¸ুāĻ˛)

Gluta White Capsule ( āĻ°ং āĻĢāĻ°্āĻ¸াāĻ•াāĻ°ী āĻ•্āĻ¯াāĻĒāĻ¸ুāĻ˛)
(Made in Thailand)
 āĻāĻ‡ āĻ•্āĻ¯াāĻĒāĻ¸ুāĻ˛ āĻ–েāĻ˛ে āĻ†āĻĒāĻ¨াāĻ° āĻ¯া āĻ¯া āĻ‰āĻĒāĻ•াāĻ° āĻšāĻŦে :
āĻŽুāĻ– āĻ“ āĻĒুāĻ°ো āĻļāĻ°ীāĻ° āĻĢāĻ°্āĻ¸া āĻ•āĻ°ে āĻ¸্āĻĨাā§Ÿী āĻ­াāĻŦে।
āĻŦ্āĻ°āĻŖ āĻ“ āĻ•াāĻ˛ো āĻĻাāĻ— āĻĻূāĻ° āĻ•āĻ°āĻŦে,
āĻŦā§ŸāĻ¸েāĻ° āĻ›াāĻĒ āĻŽুāĻ›ে āĻĻিāĻŦে
āĻ•ুāĻšāĻ•ে āĻ¯াāĻ“ā§Ÿা āĻ¤্āĻŦāĻ•āĻ•ে āĻŸাāĻ¨āĻŸাāĻ¨ āĻ•āĻ°āĻŦে
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āĻ¸্āĻ•িāĻ¨েāĻ° āĻŽৃāĻ¤্āĻ¯ āĻ•োāĻˇ āĻĻূāĻ° āĻ•āĻ°āĻŦে
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āĻ†āĻĒāĻ¨ি āĻāĻ• āĻŽাāĻ¸ āĻ–েāĻ˛ে ā§ŠāĻŸি āĻļেāĻĄ āĻĒāĻ°িāĻŽাāĻ¨ āĻĢāĻ°্āĻ¸া āĻšāĻŦেāĻ¨।
āĻ¸āĻŽāĻ¸্āĻ¤ āĻļāĻ°ীāĻ° āĻĢāĻ°্āĻ¸া āĻ•āĻ°āĻŦে৷
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āĻ§ুāĻŽāĻĒাā§Ÿী āĻ“ āĻ্āĻ¯āĻ˛āĻ•āĻšোāĻ˛ āĻĒাāĻ¨āĻ•াāĻ°ীāĻĻেāĻ° āĻĄ্āĻ¯াāĻŽেāĻœ āĻ•āĻŽাāĻŦে।
āĻ†āĻĒāĻ¨াāĻ° āĻŽুāĻ–ে āĻŦ্āĻ°āĻ¨ āĻĨাāĻ•āĻ˛ে āĻšāĻ˛ে āĻ¯াāĻŦে āĻ¯ে āĻ•োāĻ¨ āĻĻাāĻ— āĻŦা āĻ˜া āĻĢাāĻ¸āĻĄ়া āĻĨাāĻ•āĻ˛েāĻ“ āĻšāĻ˛ে āĻ¯াāĻŦে। āĻ•াāĻ°āĻ¨ āĻāĻ–াāĻ¨ে āĻ¨িāĻŽ āĻāĻŦং āĻšāĻ˛ুāĻĻ āĻ†āĻ›ে।
āĻ°āĻ•্āĻ¤ āĻĒāĻ°িāĻˇ্āĻ•াāĻ° āĻ•āĻ°āĻŦে৷
āĻ¸্āĻ•িāĻ¨āĻ•ে āĻ¸্āĻŽুāĻĨ āĻāĻŦং āĻ—্āĻ˛ো āĻ•āĻ°āĻŦে৷
āĻšুāĻ˛ āĻ˜āĻ¨ো, āĻ˛āĻŽ্āĻŦা āĻ“ āĻ‰āĻœ্āĻœ্āĻŦāĻ˛ āĻ•āĻ°āĻŦে।
āĻšাāĻŽāĻĄ়া, āĻšুāĻ˛ āĻāĻŦং āĻ¨āĻ–ে āĻĒুāĻˇ্āĻŸি āĻ¯োāĻ—াāĻŦে
āĻ¸্āĻ•িāĻ¨ āĻŸাāĻ¨āĻŸাāĻ¨ āĻ•āĻ°āĻŦে।

ā§§ āĻŸো āĻ•āĻ°ে āĻ•্āĻ¯াāĻĒāĻ¸ুāĻ˛ āĻ˛াāĻž্āĻš āĻ“ āĻĄিāĻ¨াāĻ°েāĻ° ā§Šā§ĻāĻŽিāĻ¨িāĻŸ āĻ†āĻ—ে āĻ–েāĻ¤ে āĻšāĻŦে।
āĻ¸াāĻŦāĻ§াāĻ¨ !!!
āĻŦৃāĻĻ্āĻ§ āĻāĻŦং āĻļিāĻļুāĻĻেāĻ° āĻœāĻ¨্āĻ¯ āĻ‡āĻšা āĻ—্āĻ°āĻšāĻ¨ āĻ¯োāĻ—্āĻ¯ āĻ¨ā§Ÿ
āĻ—āĻ°্āĻ­াāĻŦāĻ¸্āĻĨা āĻŦা āĻ¸্āĻ¤āĻ¨ āĻ–াāĻ“āĻ¯়াāĻ¨োāĻ° āĻ¸āĻŽāĻ¯় āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻšাāĻ° āĻ•āĻ°āĻŦেāĻ¨ āĻ¨া
āĻļিāĻļুāĻĻেāĻ° āĻāĻŦং āĻ¸ূāĻ°্āĻ¯াāĻ˛োāĻ• āĻĨেāĻ•ে āĻĻূāĻ°ে āĻĨাāĻ•ুāĻ¨
āĻ…āĻŦāĻļ্āĻ¯āĻ‡ āĻ¸্āĻŦাāĻ­াāĻŦিāĻ• āĻ–াāĻŦাāĻ°েāĻ° āĻ¤াāĻ˛িāĻ•াā§Ÿ āĻĒুāĻ¸্āĻ¤িāĻ•āĻ° āĻ–াāĻŦাāĻ° āĻ°াāĻ–ুāĻ¨
āĻāĻ˛-āĻ—্āĻ˛ুāĻ¤āĻĨিāĻ“āĻ¨: 1500000 āĻŽিāĻ˛িāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ
āĻ•োāĻ˛াāĻœেāĻ¨: 400000 āĻŽিāĻ˛িāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ
Coenzyme Q10: 2000 mg
āĻ­িāĻŸাāĻŽিāĻ¨ āĻ¸ি: 50000 āĻŽিāĻ˛িāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ
āĻŦাāĻ¯়োāĻĢ্āĻ˛াāĻ“āĻ¨িāĻ“: 2000 āĻŽিāĻ˛িāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ
āĻšিāĻŽাāĻ˛িāĻ• āĻ…্āĻ¯াāĻ¸িāĻĄ: 2500 āĻŽিāĻ˛িāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ
āĻ•োāĻœি āĻŦেāĻ°ি: 2000 āĻŽিāĻ˛িāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ
āĻ¸āĻŦুāĻœ āĻ•āĻĢি āĻŦেāĻ°ি: 1200 āĻŽিāĻ˛িāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ
āĻ°াāĻ¸্āĻĒāĻŦেāĻ°ী āĻāĻ•্āĻ¸āĻŸ্āĻ°্āĻ¯াāĻ•্āĻŸ: 1200 āĻŽিāĻ˛িāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ
āĻĒাāĻ‡āĻ¨ āĻŦাāĻ°āĻ• āĻāĻ•্āĻ¸āĻŸ্āĻ°্āĻ¯াāĻ•্āĻŸ: 1500 āĻŽি.āĻ—্āĻ°ি। āĻĻ্āĻ°াāĻ•্āĻˇা āĻŦীāĻœ āĻāĻ•্āĻ¸āĻŸ্āĻ°্āĻ¯াāĻ•্āĻŸ: 1500 āĻŽিāĻ˛িāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ
Acerola āĻšেāĻ°ি: 3000 āĻŽিāĻ˛িāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ
āĻŽāĻ¯়āĻĻা āĻŦেāĻ°ি āĻāĻ•্āĻ¸āĻŸ্āĻ°্āĻ¯াāĻ•্āĻŸ: 3000 āĻŽিāĻ˛িāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ
āĻ˛েāĻ‡āĻ¸িāĻĨিāĻ¨: 4000 āĻŽিāĻ˛িāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ
āĻŦাāĻ¯়োāĻŸিāĻ¨: 3000 āĻŽিāĻ˛িāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ
āĻ‡āĻ¨āĻ¸āĻŸোāĻ˛োāĻ˛: 60 āĻŽিāĻ˛িāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ
āĻĻāĻ¸্āĻ¤া: 30 āĻŽিāĻ˛িāĻ—্āĻ°াāĻŽ

# Gluta White āĻļāĻ°ীāĻ°েāĻ° āĻ­িāĻ¤āĻ° āĻ“ āĻŦাāĻšিāĻ° āĻĨেāĻ•ে āĻ•াāĻœ āĻ•āĻ°ে। āĻ¯াāĻ° āĻ•োāĻ¨ āĻĒাāĻ°্āĻļ্āĻŦāĻĒ্āĻ°āĻ¤িāĻ•্āĻ°িā§Ÿা āĻ¨েāĻ‡
# Gluta white āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻŦāĻšাāĻ°েāĻ° āĻĢāĻ˛ে āĻ†āĻĒāĻ¨াāĻ° āĻ¤্āĻŦāĻ•েāĻ° āĻ•োāĻ¨ āĻ•্āĻˇāĻ¤ি āĻšā§Ÿ āĻ¨া।
āĻ¸āĻ°াāĻ¸āĻ°ি āĻĨাāĻ‡āĻ˛্āĻ¯াāĻ¨্āĻĄ āĻĨেāĻ•ে āĻ†āĻŽāĻĻাāĻ¨িāĻ•ৃāĻ¤ ā§§ā§Ļā§Ļ% āĻ…āĻ°িāĻœিāĻ¨াāĻ˛ āĻĒāĻ¨্āĻ¯।
āĻĢোāĻ¨ āĻ•āĻ°ে āĻĒāĻ¨্āĻ¯ āĻ¸āĻ°্āĻŽ্āĻĒāĻ•ে āĻœেāĻ¨ে, āĻ†āĻĒāĻ¨াāĻ° āĻ¸āĻŽāĻ¸্āĻ¯া āĻ¸āĻ°্āĻŽ্āĻĒāĻ•ে āĻ†āĻŽাāĻĻেāĻ° āĻ¸াāĻĨে āĻ†āĻ˛োāĻšāĻ¨া āĻ•āĻ°ে āĻĒāĻ°াāĻŽāĻ°্āĻļ āĻ¨িā§Ÿে āĻĒāĻ¨্āĻ¯ āĻ…āĻ°্āĻĄাāĻ° āĻ•āĻ°ুāĻ¨।
Price: 2100 +Delivery Charge: #100Tk.
Size: (1 Bottle = 30 Capsules)
Inbox For Order Or Call :01911069086